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FlexJobs 2019 Annual Survey: Flexible Work Plays Big Role in Job Choices

Working from a remote location makes the employee more productive, or they never tend to dodge work. The professional growth does take place even when an employee is working from a remote location. When a person feels less stressed, the bliss of peace and tranquility empowers them to perform better. Agriculture or manufacturing is such a work which need the worker in the workplace; they are mostly called blue-collar jobs. Getting ahead of the competition is essential,
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that can get you to where you want to go. In line with remote working stats, following France, potential remote workers climbed to 22.8% in Germany, 15.1% in Spain, and 13.6% in Italy.

Today’s remote work statistics show that many employers have embraced the benefits of a permanently remote workforce. And even though some businesses still view it as unorthodox or a temporary fixture, the available data tells us that remote work is here to stay. Sixteen percent are currently looking for a new job specifically because of work flexibility issues.

The Ultimate List of Remote Work Statistics: The 2024 Edition

BOULDER, Colo., Dec. 11, 2023 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — FlexJobs®, the leading career service for remote and hybrid work, today announces the release of the 2024 Remote Work Stats & Trends Report. With the majority of people wanting a fully remote (51%) or hybrid (46%) job, the new report dives into the latest data, statistics, and insights surrounding the state of remote work. Another piece of information that might help employees argue for their right to work from home is the fact that it’s beneficial for employers, too. According to working-from-home statistics, the savings for employers come from increased productivity, reduced absenteeism and turnover, and lower real estate costs, among other cost-cutting benefits.

Cities traditionally known for their business centers are witnessing changes in demand as remote workers seek homes in less urban locales. This trend can lower rent in previously high-cost areas while increasing demand for spacious homes for home offices, impacting prices in the suburbs and beyond. This reflects the fact that remote workers are likely to be more educated/skilled than non-remote workers.

The changing work policy:

The media seems to be focused on making work from home look bad – often spreading false or misleading anecdotal evidence that hybrid and remote work decrease productivity. Here we have compiled key work-from-home statistics and other insights into the state of the workplace in 2023. These industry and occupation-specific statistics highlight the widespread acceptance of remote work. With the evolution of digital tools and changing work norms, remote work is no longer a niche concept but a growing trend spanning various fields. Remote work has left an impression and survey respondents prefer to work virtually moving forward. More than half (56%) said they experienced burnout during the pandemic, and 39% said their mental health is worse today than it was in January 2020.

  • In today’s evolving work landscape, hybrid and remote work are emerging as a game-changer with benefits for employees and organizations.
  • And if you’re looking for more control over your work environment, FlexJobs can help you find a remote or hybrid job that works for you.
  • A trusted source for data, trends, and insight, FlexJobs has been cited extensively in top national outlets, including CNN, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, CNBC, Forbes magazine, and many more.
  • Further, remote employees save an average of 40 minutes daily from commuting, immediately adding several free hours to the week for other activities.
  • Remote work has proved to be beneficial not only for employees, but for their employers as well — doing it right leads to reduced company costs and a happier workforce.
  • With the majority of people wanting a fully remote (51%) or hybrid (46%) job, the new report dives into the latest data, statistics, and insights surrounding the state of remote work.

More specifically, 80% of Gen Z and Gen X and 76% of millennials state they are more productive working from home than in the office. FlexJobs found that 56% of professionals know someone who has or plans to quit due to return-to-office mandates. The evolution of remote work is also evident in company structures, with 16% of U.S. companies adopting a fully remote model (Owl Labs and Global Workplace Analytics, 2021). The preference for remote or hybrid work models reflects a significant change from pre-pandemic work environments, suggesting that remote work will remain a norm for the foreseeable future. Freelancers and contract workers leverage remote work to service multiple clients across the globe, contributing to the blurring lines between traditional and gig-based employment.

Challenges of Remote Work

Statistics about remote work show that the environmental impact of working from home is ultimately determined by individual circumstances and characteristics. In 2023, career growth for remote workers is perceived to be much better than previous years. The flexibility and convenience it offers are few of the factors that make it continuously a trend, and numbers below are the proof.

flexjobs remote work statistics

With the Great Resignation came a great reset and realization that working professionals need balance between their work and home lives, or at least to be able to integrate them in a way that works for them. And if that wasn’t realized, professionals were willing to look for a new job. Global Workplace Analytics also shows that remote work creates a healthier environment for workers to thrive. It reduces the potential for discrimination, increases employee empowerment and collaboration, and allows companies to scale more quickly. The work landscape has changed dramatically and permanently in just a few years.

By 2025, 32.6 million Americans will work remote by 2025

You would generally work remotely in a specific type of business or a specific role, like a customer support representative. Certain companies embrace complete freedom of choice, allowing employees to select their preferred working style as captured in their hybrid work policy. “Whether you’re embracing remote work statistics a hybrid or fully remote model, it’s clear that the future of work is rooted in flexibility,” said Sara Sutton, Founder of FlexJobs. The 2022 remote work survey by Owl Labs shows 48% of workers are concerned that working remotely means they have less of a say at work and will miss out on opportunities.

Globally, we observe a growing trend towards organized hybrid models, wherein employers determine when employees should come into the office, per recent Scoop data. This model has experienced a 30% surge in popularity during the last quarter, mainly at the expense of fully office-based approaches. On one end of the spectrum, we have fully remote, and a remote-first model, where employees primarily work online. But, physical office spaces are still available for occasional in-person needs. On the other end of the spectrum, we find a more office-centric approach with limited work-from-home allowances.

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